Kala Kala

Coming up new, Kala Kala will host my personal poetry.

10 thoughts on “Kala Kala

  1. wonderful work hadiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii….

    i saw the website for the 1st time…

    take care

  2. Salam Bhai,
    well a good effort, but u still need to make further effort, and u didnt submit that article on Akhlaqiyaat as u promised that we will be able to read it by this weekend 😦 i am still waiting for that. Good luck for future

  3. nice job buddy. you are showing the light 2 those people who are still living in the dark age. your work also encourage people 2 bring changes in their routine life to do some innovative ideas and activities.

  4. Well Mr. Hadi, In any country, state or society we can’t ignore the importance of vocational education, but I think the world has gone too far from where we are standing now…….read more above

  5. Thank you so much Hassan for your valuable words, I appreciate your contribution to this section, and I am very hopeful that the message will be concieved by the concerned people and institutions very soon. Education must not be business but a service provided to the Nation, so that every one irrespective of their circumstances, colour, creed and geography obtain it and benifit from it.

  6. Sad to see a “well educated” propagadist fellow conutry man at work . People like you will spread a very radical Idea about Pakistan

  7. Pakher alaka, senga chal dy? Mazy dy wakhsty. i saw ur web for the first time…. very apreciative work u r doing…keep it up. Regards mansoor… Pir sab dy yadegi kana

  8. I am your brother Junaid’s Friend. I think this is your great effort.Take care of yourself

  9. salammmmmmmmm….
    shukar hai suleman hadi zinda hai……..
    ALLAH apko zinda wa tabinda rakhai….
    (ALHAJ ud din)

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